Speech – Why you should respect Women

Respect. What does that world mean to you? Every year across the globe, hundreds of thousands of women are discriminated. This is a dilemma that is happening all around us and is only getting worse. Women play a huge role in the world around us and have such big impacts, it blows my mind that they would have so much hate and abuse in their lives just for being born with two X chromosomes. That’s why I’ve come up here this fine morning, to convince you that women are special and deserve to be respected just like anyone else.

In the past 5 years, crimes directed at women have risen by 12.2%. That’s an insane increase an it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. A lot of us think that it’s okay to treat women like inferiors but I’ll tell you that it’s not. Imagine a world without them, a world where men are the only gender. This world would be full of war, violence and chaos. This is a world you don’t want to live in. Now this world may seem like a fantasy but I’ll tell you if we don’t do anything the women won’t want to live in this planet with us.

In fact there is a very possible dystopia in where Women control the world and they lock all men down in basement only using us to farm sperm. Do you want this to be your future? Is this how you want to live your life? No, it isn’t. We can prevent this, we need to start treating women as equals. No gender shall be dominant to the other.

The gender wage gap is at a 7.1% difference. If you don’t understand what this means it basically stating that women who do the same jobs as men earn 7% less money. This is ridicules, why are they earning less for doing the exact same thing as everyone else?! The careers in which this occurs are jobs in the finance, science and production industries.

Now I’ve told you what will happen if we disrespect women, but I think you should know what steps you can take to make sure you are respecting our fellow friendly females. The best way to make someone feel equal is to treat them the way you want to be treated, I know that sounds cheesy and it’s the kind of thing your primary teacher tells you but it’s true, praise the for their achievements, show interest, be appreciative.

Also as a society we need to get rid of gender specific nouns like mankind, craftsmanship gameboy, in fact our school system enforces these disgusting words, not too long ago we were taught about the ‘straw man fallacy,’ why can’t it be straw woman fallacy? Because we live in a sexist society where women are put down.

Now, it’s all well and good for me to talk about why I think you should respect women but why does it mean anything coming from me, I’m a man. Why would it be in my interest to want to treat girls as equal, because from a moral viewpoint it should be common sense to believe in equality. People have told me that I have very good morals soooo they’re good. The human race has been fighting for equal rights for the last few centuries, we conquered slavery, we have gay rights, we can destroy this gender inequality.


Quarantine – The Loners 1.10

Title: Quarantine – The Loners

Text Type – Novel

Author – Lex Thomas

Quarantine, The Loners is a book about a teenager called David and his younger brother Will. It’s Wills first year at Mckinley High School. The school year has just started and once school starts they find out that the school is contaminated with a disease which is fatal to anyone who isn’t a teenager, this means that all the teachers have been killed. The military reacts to this situation by closing the school in making sure no one can leave. Fast forward a year later and the school is divided into factions who fight for survival among their peers. David must do what it takes to protect Will and the ones he cares about even if means risking his own life. In order to protect him and his friends David start his own faction full of ‘loner kids’ who had nowhere to go before. David keeps finding himself in situations where he is being targeted by the two most powerful factions known as ‘Varsity’ and ‘The Pretty Ones’ who go out of their ways to hurt David and his crew.

The story of “Quarantine, The Loners” heavily focuses on a relationship aspect. Through out the entire book David is constantly being harassed by other factions as they she his new movement as a threat. David shows many moments of sacrifice and selflessness in the book. During the early chapters David has to hide Will in a small janitors closet while David goes out, risking his life to collect food and resources that are necessary for the two to survive. During one of Davids outings he finds a girl he doesn’t know getting chased by a member of varsity, out of selflessness David goes out of his way to save this girl. It is later to be revealed that this girl ‘Lucy’ was Wills old crush from before the school was encapsulated. Will begins to grow envious of David’s heroism because he wants to do more to impress the people around him. David and Lucy begin a relationship and Will’s envy only grows and he goes out of his way to sabotage Davids plans to help out others. At one stage David get kidnapped and Varsity attempts to lynch him, Will and the Loners make out a plan in order to save David and Will is very heroic. Unfortunately Will does not get the recognition for his noble act and his malice towards his brother intensifies.

While reading this novel I grew really fond of the character ‘David’ as he was the most relatable to me. The reason I found David relatable is because through out the book David constantly has to try and do the right thing in order to protect and gain the support of his peers. He demonstrates this when he spends his entire time in the quarantine protecting his brother only for Will to resent David. David is constantly trying to support, please and protect his little brother but he gets harassed because of his good will. For me I’ve had situations where I’ve been trying to do the right thing in order to satisfy my peers but it seemed no matter what I did someone was getting hurt. For me and David it seems that the best thing we could do is find the lesser of the two evils and make some sort of compromise. There were times where I had done as much as I can to maintain a friendship but everything I did seemed to upset them. David has to deal with the struggles of his brother going out of his way to ruin his relationships with other people and I could relate to this feeling. Something the Me and David both found out was that as soon as you find yourself in a position where you are no longer associated with the person we care about, they end up regretting their bitterness towards you and the relationship continues.

I think that the story did a good job at conveying how every character felt and it lead to me relating to a character like David but also I could put others in the shoes of other characters and see a different perspective as to how they might feel in these situations. It was interesting to see how a school might react to having to all of a sudden having to survive in dire conditions and I think that the concept of factions would be a fairly accurate thing that would happen as at school people tend to stick to their friends groups and they’re pretty much just like faction.




Lord of the Flies – William Golding

In the novel ‘Lord of Flies,’ William Golding tries to convey his message through the use of an important place. The place he uses it ‘The Island’ and he uses it to express the idea of isolation and how it affects human behavior. The book displays this influence because when the group of boys are alone on the island they are no longer being controlled by their parents and have to survive using their natural human instincts. As the story progresses the boys natural nature leads them to fight against one another.

During the first chapter of the book the boys are all on the same page and try to cooperate so they can stay safe and survive. An example of this is when Ralph had the entire group of boys to vote for who they want to lead their group, this shows that they still relate to the civilized world because they are using democracy to make a decision. Further into the book the kids organise themselves into different roles, these include hunters and hit builders.




It is introduced when the character ‘Piggy’ is introduced, he is wearing them and he calls them his specs.

It is used for Piggy to see and to light the fire on the mountain


“With that word the heat seemed to increase till it became a threatening
weight and the lagoon attacked them with a blinding effulgence”

“Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!” “You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are?”

“Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy”

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